A poetry book showing God's amazing love and healing powers through a tradegic life. This book proves we do not have to stay in the same situations we are born in. Christ will deliever us out of tribulation through faith and prayer. This is my second book of Poems, of my conversations in Prayer like fashion to the Lord our Savior, done in Poetry , in like psalms style, about the trials I have gone through in life. From rapes, to losing my son at 10 years old to my ex husband who was workaholic and I became ill. To my troubles in my second marriage. During my last marriage where I was trying to keep it together by taking Everything to Christ in Prayers. I have Prayers thanking God for horses, Dogs, and Cats, allowed to cross my Paths, and all the people in my life.
Here is some samples of my poems:
What is insanity really?
Is it someone who just doesn’t remember?
Is it someone who talks to God al the time?
Is it someone who talks about God all the time?
Is it someone who has given up on humans,
So only desires to read the bible and speak
The word and not another word?
Who gets to label us insane?
The world? With it twisted, human race!
The World which we have to lie and cheat
And deceive, and keep up with the Jones,
To succeed? They get to label Insanity!
The World Killed Jesus, the most sane!
The World Killed Jesus the most gentle!
The World Killed Jesus, God, Love!
Now that is insani
But, it was for you and mine sins, but
Still the World gets to label insanity!
The World, lies, cheats, covets, gossips,
Backbites, and that my friends is, sanity!
The world can keep their sanity, I want Jesus. Insanity!
The World can keep their labels, I want Jesus. Labels.
I want to be peculiar, different, weird, a Jesus freaky!
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